This is the question on everyone’s lips at the moment – including ours!
Due to the cooler weather it is looking like 2022 will be a later than usual fruit season. As you will appreciate, it is impossible to give an exact start and finish date however hopefully by late November we will really be in the swing of it.
We have already opened up some online bookings and will open up later dates as the season progresses. We usually say that the cherry season finishes just before Christmas, however this year we may go even longer. We won’t know for sure until December. If the weather warms up, the cherries will ripen quickly. If the weather stays cool, the ripening will be much slower.
We recommend online bookings so that you don’t miss out, and once you have booked, you should revisit our website just prior to your visit for seasonal updates. BOOK PICK YOUR OWN
As every season is different we really encourage you to regularly visit our website or follow us on Instagram or Facebook so that you know what is happening. FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM
There is a good setting of fruit so things are looking promising for a good 2022 cherry season.
We are really looking forward to seeing you soon at Ballinaclash.

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